Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Titian | Weapons Room
Tiepolo Cajetan Thiene | Glory All Saints | Death St Jerome | Joshua stops Sun
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo “Death of Saint Jerome” Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan in Italy
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (March 5, 1696 - March 27, 1770)
“Death of Saint Jerome”
Painting - oil on canvas (33 x 44.2 cm) 1732

Death of Saint Jerome This painting by Tiepolo represents the death of Saint Jerome, whose body is surrounded by several angels flying just above him.
The rendering of the wings and the angels is remarkable.
Their delicate colours, the light that passes through them, their different inclinations and the lightness of the drapes give relief, power, dynamism and a lot of aesthetics to this scene.
The sun has already set, but divine light shines on the saint and the angels.
The emaciated body of Saint Jerome is lying on a simple mat on the ground in a mountainous landscape that reminds us of his life as a hermit.

Death of Saint Jerome The features drawn from his face, invaded by a long white beard, and his emaciated body are those of an exhausted old man living in the greatest poverty, devoting himself to studying the book beside him.
The rosary wrapped around his wrist indicates that he died praying to God, facing the cross of simple branches that rises against the dark sky in the right part of the painting, underlining his dramatic side.
Saint Jerome (343-420) is one of the four doctors of the Latin Church.
He devoted his life to translating the Bible into Latin: it is the Vulgate that was proclaimed the official version of the Catholic Bible in the 16th century.
Tiepolo Cajetan Thiene | Glory All Saints | Death St Jerome | Joshua stops Sun
Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Titian | Weapons Room
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
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