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Useful and Practical Milan, Good Addresses and Good Deals
The first page you will consult before coming, and once you are there, is our Weather Forecast page.
Milan is a simple city to understand in terms of convenience and transport, with a single transport ticket, long and easy to get around, and a relatively dense bus, metro and tram network covering most of Milan.
24-Hour Metro Bus and Tram Pass
Smartphone Tickets AcceptedMetro Bus Tram Pass €14-23 ➤
Metro Bus Tram Pass €14-23 ➤
Transports in Milan Italy
Plane | Metro | Bus-Tram | Train | Luggage | TaxiUseful Information about Milan
Tourism Office ➤Emergency Call Numbers in Milan Italy
Ambulances: 118State Police: 113
Local Police: 020208
Carabinieri: 112
Vigili del Fuoco firefighters: 115
Pharmacies toll free number: 800 801185
Medical Guards: 116117
Lost or Found Items in Milan
Phone: +39 02 884.53900 and +39 02 884.53996Lost objects City of Milan ➤
Block your Master Card in case of theft
How to block your bank card in case of theft:Block Master Card ➤
Block your Visa Card in case of theft
If your Visa card is stolen in Italy, call 800-819-014 to block it. You can also contact the corresponding department of your bank in your own country directly.Visa Card Block ➤
Call numbers in case of loss or theft of your credit card
If your credit card is lost or stolen, you should call the following numbers to block it:American Express: 0672282
Dinner's Club: 800864064
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