Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Titian | Weapons Room
Daddi Processional Cross | Triptych Altar
Bernardo Daddi “Processional Cross” Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan in Italy
Bernardo Daddi (1290-1348) “Processional Cross”
Painting - Tempera on Wood (58.9 x 33 cm) 1340
Processional Cross This processional cross by Bernardo Daddi has been beautifully restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.
During this restoration, a little cavity was discovered in the cross used to house a relic.
This cross was used by the Company of Blacks of Florence (Compagnia dei Neri) to comfort prisoners sentenced to death.
The comforting members of the Black Company were responsible for helping the condemned person to help them reconcile with their sentence and with God.
If the condemned man kissed the relic in the Daddi cross, he could indeed hope to obtain an indulgence for his sins.

Processional Cross This processional cross was held up in front of the condemned so that they could not take their eyes off it for the duration of the procession up to the place of their execution.
The members of the Company accompanied the condemned to the gallows and were tasked with giving their bodies a respectable burial.
This respect was because the Florentines believed that those condemned to death could come back from hell to avenge themselves for their execution.
The confraternities responsible for reconciling the condemned with God by making them accept their sentence also reassured the people by ensuring that the condemned did not want to return to earth to torment the Florentines.

Processional Cross However, the role of the companies comforting the condemned in Florence was not limited to comforting and reconciling the condemned with God.
The Florentines also worried that the comforting members themselves would be contaminated by the viciousness of the condemned men they were walking beside and would, in turn, be likely to infect those who approached them.
For this reason, the comforters were dressed in a large black dress and a hood covering their heads so they could not be recognized.
This processional cross painted by Bernardo Daddi is of great beauty, both tragic and full of hope, where all the iconographic elements capable of reconciling the condemned with God are present.

Processional Cross The front of the cross represents the crucified Christ, who bleeds profusely and sheds his blood above a skeleton wearing the black V-shaped tunic worn by those condemned to death at the time.
On the left, the Virgin Mary invites you to join her by opening her arms and pointing to Christ.
On the other side, facing Mary, is Saint John the Evangelist praying with his hands crossed.
At the top Christ the Redeemer with the book of the Gospels.
On the back of Bernardo Daddi's processional cross, the three trilobed spaces around the crucified Christ represent three beheaded martyrs: Saint Paul, Saint John the Baptist and Saint James the Elder.
Saint Peter the martyr and Saint Thomas Aquinas are represented at the foot of the cross.
Daddi Processional Cross | Triptych Altar
Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Titian | Weapons Room
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
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